Year 1 have done different activities around the seasons in French.
We learnt the names of the seasons by acting and singing Les saisons from the CD "J'aime chanter"
We read some beautiful lift-flap stories where the children had to guess what was the surprise under the tabs.
Our French buddy Toto also wanted to teach us the seasons, so he put on different clothes according to a season and asked us Quelle est la saison? It was a lot of fun guessing the seasons with him!
Seasons worksheets (La trousse de Sobelle)
Seasons poems
Les quatre saisons par Vivaldi
We learnt the names of the seasons by acting and singing Les saisons from the CD "J'aime chanter"
We read some beautiful lift-flap stories where the children had to guess what was the surprise under the tabs.
Les saisons avec Emilie
Mimi et les saisons
Our French buddy Toto also wanted to teach us the seasons, so he put on different clothes according to a season and asked us Quelle est la saison? It was a lot of fun guessing the seasons with him!
Seasons poems
Les quatre saisons par Vivaldi