Last Wednesday we celebrated our second French Day at Sudbury.
Language days are a great way of promoting the foreign language and culture.
They learnt some facts about French history and the French flag and made these beautiful collages of la tricolore.
They also watched an episode of our favourite French cartoon with the donkey Trotro and they created their own Trotros 😊.
Finally, they enjoyed some storytelling in French! The Freshwater Theatre Company came to perform Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Three Little Pigs. The children had a great time joining in and some of them even took part in the stories!
In the meantime, Years 4 to 6 invented their own French Pastry.
Then, they "painted with scissors" and made "The fall of Icarus" collage in the style of Henry Matisse.
They also learnt some facts about Paris landmarks and created their own Paris cut-out monuments, which they loved doing!
At the end of the day, they watched a French performance by the theatre company Onatti Productions. The play was so hilarious! The children really enjoyed watching it and performing some parts of the play.
The feedback from the children was really positive and they can't wait for the next year's French Day!
Language days are a great way of promoting the foreign language and culture.
This year, Years 1 to 3 have created some artwork using the pointillism technique.
The whole school had croissants in the morning and a French menu was served for lunch.
The feedback from the children was really positive and they can't wait for the next year's French Day!