25 February, 2017

A French show at school

The Theatre company Freshwater recently came to deliver a storytelling session in French for the children of Year 4. They performed "The Three Little Pigs" and "Goldilocks and the Three Bears". All the show was in French, with a lot of actions and repetition being used to support children´s understanding.

The children were encouraged to listen and repeat key vocabulary and phrases, and some children even went on stage to play the main characters with the help of the actors. It was lovely to see the children so involved. Even the less outgoing children joined in and I could see them becoming more confident as the session progressed. Look at the children's comments:

Children's feedback:
Aarya: "I really enjoyed when people got to interact with the actress and performed to play speaking in French"
Mohamed: "Watching a play in French was actually better than in English!"
Shaysha: "My favourite thing of the play is that everything was in French."

It was such a fantastic experience! We hope that we can book more shows with them soon, perhaps for French Day...

05 February, 2017

Months and birthdays

We have been learning the months in French in Year 2.

We sang Les mois song from the "Français, français" CD and learnt the names of the months with actions. Then, we classified them into the seasons they belong to and did a worksheet.

We wanted to know when Toto's birthday is, so we had to ask him in French!

We also did a survey around the class to know everyone's birthday.