22 December, 2016

Le Noël de Trotro

Year 2 love reading the stories of the donky Trotro.
Yesterday, we read "Joyeux Noël, Trotro". As in the other books of Trotro, the language is very simple, the illustrations are fantastic and the story is very cute.

 After reading the story, the children did a worksheet from Le livre-jeux de Trotro. 

On top of all that, we watched "Trotro et le sapin de Noël" and had some giggles, this episode is so much fun!

Other episodes that you could watch in Christmas / winter time are: 

13 December, 2016

Sapins de Noël

Every year we have a Christmas concert at Sudbury. We sing beautiful songs in English and in French.
This year we have chosen two songs about Christmas trees, les sapins de Noël.
Years 4, 5 and 6 will sing "Si tous les sapins" by Versini.


We learnt about la liaison in French and practice reading the examples of liaison in the song.

We also put the lyrics in order and played charades to act out and guess the sentences from the song.

Years 1, 2 and 3 will sing "Voici un petit sapin". They have learnt the song with actions too and they will hold a foam Christmas tree decorated by themselves while they sing the song.  

Christmas songs from last year

Christmas songs by Versini

Christmas lights in Paris

Christmas lights in Paris different locations and market

03 December, 2016

Healthy eating

Year 5 have been learning about food this term.
Our French buddy Toto, told them about some typical French food. Have you tried any of this food?
Qu'est-ce que tu aimes manger? 
Qu'est-ce que tu n'aimes pas?

We looked at some items of food and decided if they were healthy or unhealthy. Then, we extended our sentences saying why.

We also looked at the food pyramid and learnt the names of the different groups of food in French.

The children read an authentic advert and answered some questions in English. They were encouraged to look at context clues to understand the text.

Finally, we created our own healthy meal including some fromage et crudités!