22 May, 2016

Visit from École Maurice Tollemer

Last Thursday our pen pals from Gonneville came to visit us at Sudbury Primary.

We have been writing letters and sending videos to École Maurice Tollemer since November so we were really looking forward to meet them!
In the morning, we held an Assembly where we showed them a presentation about London in English and a presentation about our school in French. We also performed a French poem about London landmarks.

Amarah and Isa showed them our British travelling box and explained why we included each of the items in the box.

The French children presented their Boîte Normande and talked about the gifts, food specialities and leaflets inside. In addition, they sang one song in English and one song in French.

After the assembly, the children played games and talked to each other in French and in English.
The Year 6s used their cocottes (chatterbox) to ask them questions in French.

In the meantime, some of the Year 6 children gave a tour of the school to our guests. The tour was in French and they used expressions like voici la salle sensorielle, ici on développe nos cinq sens.

We then had lunch together, the French pupils brought their own panier-repas (pack lunches) and we played together outside.

We wanted our French friends to experience British traditions, so we also had a cream tea with them (with Squash instead of the tea). They loved scones and shortbread!

It was such a fantastic experience! Lots of intercultural understanding, French and English speaking, fun and friendship between two schools from different countries.

Un très grand merci pour votre visite Maurice Tollemer!

On reste en contact! 

 Denim class with our pen pals
Steel class with our pen pals
Marine class with our pen pals
Azure class with our pen pals

20 May, 2016

Un peu de géographie

In Summer 1, our school topic is Countries project and geography. Each year group learns about a continent and each class has focused in one country of that continent.

Year 5 have been looking at maps and learning specific vocabulary in French, linking our objectives with the NC objectives for geography "use maps, locate countries, use compass points, build your knowledge about the wider world, identify Equator, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn".

First, we located les pays, les continents et les lignes imaginaires.

Then, we completed some sentences looking at maps and using the new vocabulary.

Click on the white dots to listen to the children.

Year 5 then had some lessons about Africa, as it is the continent they are learning about in class. Watch this space to see the activities we did in French!

Localiser les continents

Où se trouve...? 

Faire glisser: continents et océans

12 May, 2016

Animals and Onomatopeics

Year 1 have been learning about animals last term.

They learnt their names through flashcard games and actions, then, they learnt the noise each animal make. It was so fun to see that onomatopeics are different in each language!

The children also listened to the story Ours brun, dis-moi and joined in with actions and repetition.
Finally, they created their own fabulous mini-books with the names of the animals and the colours.

02 May, 2016

La seconde guerre mondiale

Last term the Year 4s were learning about WWII in class, so I decided to teach them about WWII in France.

We first looked at the countries of les forces de l'axe et les forces alliées and their leaders; we then practised Je m'appelle + name of leader, Je suis + nationality.

After that, we learnt about De Gaulle's speech in the BBC, the resistance and the main events of WWII in France.

Finally, we watched an episode of the French series Les grandes, grandes vacances to learn about the French evacuation l'exode and answered some comprehension questions about the cartoon.

Learning about the class topic in French makes our lessons meaningful and more interesting. The children were really engaged and they loved learning about WWII in France. Look at some of their feedback messages!