28 October, 2015

La routine de Toto

Year 6 have been learning about les verbes réfléchis and everyday routine.

We played flashcards games, charades, splat and even did some drama reading and performing each of the actions. At the end of the unit the children created some fantastic concertina books talking about their routine.

Our French buddy Toto told us about his journée. Can you tell us about your routine in French?

Ma routine song (atantot.com)

Ma journée (languages online)

20 October, 2015

Year 5 - Food and opinions

This term, year 5 have been giving their opinions about food and drinks. Some pupils have also extended their sentences using conjunctions like et, mais, aussi, en plus.
They practised role plays in pairs and they created concertina minibooks at the end of the unit.

These are some of the authentic books we read about food and healthy eating.

11 October, 2015

International project: European Day of Languages postcards

As part of the European Day of Languages activities, Sudbury Primary School has participated in two international projects on the Etwinning platform. 

Pupils from all year groups have written down some beautiful cards talking about themselves, their hobbies and describing London landmarks and customs. We sent our cards to 31 schools across Europe!

The children are so excited, we have been receiving cards everyday! We have received cards from schools in Germany, Turkey, Romania, Poland, France, Spain, Lithuania, Latvia, Italy, Croatia, Portugal, Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Slovenia.

Would you like to listen to some of the languages spoken in Europe? Click on the map and you will learn some useful expressions.