30 June, 2015

L'âne Trotro

One of our favourite French characters is l'âne Trotro. Children in KS1 and even lower KS2 love his story books and episodes.

I have used Trotro to teach about la chandeleur, Easter, mother's day, father's day, birthdays, summer and winter holidays, Christmas, la rentré, friends, toys, etc...
The language in the story books is really simple, each page has usually a short sentence and the children love the pictures, they are so sweet!

I have created some worksheets on the topic of plants, but I recently bought two activity books and I am planning to use some of the activities about clothing, colours and shapes.

Fiches (Machouteam)

Fiches (Cercle Gallimard de l'Enseignement)

Trotro s'habille

Trotro petit jardinier

Trotro arrose

Trotro part en vacances

Trotro et le sapin de Noël

Trotro et les cadeaux de Noël

28 June, 2015

Authentic resources

In our language lessons, we love watching French videos and reading French books.

Authentic resources make the lessons more interesting and bring the language to real life. In addition, the current Program of Study aims to ensure that all pupils "understand and respond to spoken and written language from a variety of authentic resources".

Madame Rivas is always searching for these type of resources to keep us engaged and to link French with the whole school creative curriculum.

05 June, 2015

Toto en Provence

Last year in Easter Toto went to sunny Provence, in the South of France. He visited Marseille and Aix-en-Provence.

Did you know that Marseille is the second largest city in Paris? The typical food in Marseille is la boullabaisse, a yummy seafood soup. You can also find handmade soap, Mrs. Rivas favourite is the lavender one :) and eat les navettes (sweet pastry with orange flower flavour).

In Aix-en-Provence, Toto visited a factory of calissons (delicious sweets made of almond), the house of the famous painter Paul Cézanne and the mountain that Cézanne painted 87 times!