One of our favourite French characters is l'âne Trotro. Children in KS1 and even lower KS2 love his story books and episodes.
I have used Trotro to teach about la chandeleur, Easter, mother's day, father's day, birthdays, summer and winter holidays, Christmas, la rentré, friends, toys, etc...
The language in the story books is really simple, each page has usually a short sentence and the children love the pictures, they are so sweet!
I have created some worksheets on the topic of plants, but I recently bought two activity books and I am planning to use some of the activities about clothing, colours and shapes.
Fiches (Machouteam)
Fiches (Cercle Gallimard de l'Enseignement)
Trotro s'habille
Trotro petit jardinier
Trotro arrose
Trotro part en vacances
Trotro et le sapin de Noël
Trotro et les cadeaux de Noël