31 March, 2017

Joyeuses Pâcques!

This week all the year groups have learnt about Easter traditions in France and did different activities around Pâcques.

Year 3 made poissons d'avril and took them home, ready to put on their friends back on the 1st of April!

Year 4 learnt a poem and made some beautiful egg cards:

Year 5 made calligrams in the shape of cloches volantes. We took the vocabulary from this wordle created by Fun with French  and we used the template from Light Bulb Languages.

Year 6 wrote these lovely cards for our French penpals at École Providence in Paris. You can find the template in Light Bulb Languages too.

Do you know the legend about the flying bells? At Sudbury, we have really enjoyed it!

Have a look at the activities we did last year.

03 March, 2017

World Book Day 2017

This week we have celebrated World Book Day in our French lessons.

These are the stories that we have read this year:

Year 4 read "Ce que lisent les animaux". They learnt names of the animals in the story and what they like reading.

Year 5 read "J'aime les livres". First they learnt the different types of books in the story, then they practised creating compound sentences and describing their favourite book.

Year 6 read "Tu lis où?", it's a really funny book about the places where people like reading. We looked at prepositions and the children wrote some sentences about their favourite places for reading and their classmates favourite places too.

Last year's activities on World Book Day