24 March, 2016

Poisson d'avril

Today, Y3 had great fun creating poissons d'avril and sticking them on their partners' back. Some of them preferred to take the paper fish home and wait until the 1st of April to stick it on a relative's or friend's back.

22 March, 2016

Easter activities

KS1 have been learning about Easter in France. We looked at what is celebrated in a similar way and what is different in the French tradition: the church bells fly to Rome on Good Friday and fly back on Easter Sunday to scatter Easter eggs to the children. 

We also learnt an Easter finger rhyme. Click on the white spot to listen to the Year 2 children saying the poem.

Finally we read a story of our favourite French character, Trotro and his friend Nana, going on an egg hunt. 

11 March, 2016

School subjects

The pupils of year 6 would like to send another letter to their French penpals soon. In preparation, they are learning about school subjects, as they want to tell the CM2 at École Providence (Paris) and the CM2 at École Maurice Tollemar (Gonneville) all about the subjects they like the most and the ones they like the least.

We first looked at the names of the subjects in French and realised that most of them are cognates. That is easy! However, we have to remember the gender of the words in order to include them in full sentences.

Then, we practised expressing our opinions about subjects and included connectives to extend our sentences. We used flashcards and emoji faces to build human sentences. Look at the picture below, can you think of the sentence we said in class? Click on the white spot to listen to the Year 6 talking about their favourite subjects.

04 March, 2016

World Book Day 2016

Yesterday was World Book Day at school and we also wanted to celebrate it in our French lessons.

Year 2 read Petit poisson blanc. They enjoyed doing actions for each of the sea creatures and joining with repetition everytime I asked them C'est la maman de petit poisson blanc? They also created their own version of the book, which they proudly took home to read to their parents!

Year 3 read Vive les livres. They learned the names of the different types of books and then in pairs, children had to come up with an action and a different voice for each type of book. It was a lot of fun to watch their fabulous performances!

Year 5 read J'aime les livres and looked at the types of books too. They wrote about the type of books that they like and dislike and about their favourite book.