29 January, 2016

Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire?

Year 2 have been learning the names of the months and how to write the date in French.

We love singing  "Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire?"  ; The children shout Oui! when we mention the month of their birthday and the class wish them Joyeux anniversaire!

We also read a story of our favourite French character, Trotro. He has a massive birthday cake and an amazing present!

Finally, we have written and illustrated these minions posters created by my friend Sylvie Bartlett Rawlings.

Months games 1

Months games 2

Games: write the date in French

Listening activity

20 January, 2016

Our French buddy, Toto

Mrs. Rivas was invited to talk about Toto, our French puppet at the last conference of the Asociation for Language Learning ALL.

The puppet represents the stereotype of a French person, so we talk about stereotypes in class and we know that obviously not everybody in France wear striped t-shirts, berets and have a moustache. But having him in class is lovely and speaking in the target language is less daunting when the children talk to Toto!

Toto is also opening the pupils's eyes to French culture. Whenever he travels to France with Mrs. Rivas he shows the landmarks and specialities of the region in a video. Sometimes, we have a post-holiday show-and-tell with artifacts and food!

We love the whole Toto theme in our lessons, so we even have flashcards with Toto, stickers and certificates.

14 January, 2016

Letters from Paris

This week Denim class and Azure class have received some letters from their pen-pals from École Providence B, Paris. They were all impressed of the amazing cards with the Paris landmarks and they were very interested in knowing their pen-pals and their hobbies.

Merci les CM2, nous avons vraiment aimé vos lettres!

08 January, 2016

La Fête des Rois

Bonne année 2016!

This week we have celebrated La fête des rois at Sudbury. We have learnt about the tradition of la Galette des Rois, a special cake that French people eat on Epiphany Day. Children enjoyed reading the recipe in French, learning poems and songs, creating crowns and watching authentic videos.