16 December, 2015

Ancient Egypt

Year 3 are learning about Ancient Egypt in class. We have linked our lessons to the topic and the children have learnt about the Egyptian Gods.

They learnt the names of the Gods, what they represent and their attributes practising some high frequency verbs in each of the different lessons. At the end of the unit, they created these fantastic posters introducing their favourite God. It is so much fun to learn French and History at the same time!

Update: Look at the pupils reading skills when they match the cards about the Egyptian Gods.

13 December, 2015

Christmas cards

This week the pupils from Marine class in Year 6 have received these amazing cards from one of our French partner schools, École Maurice Tollemer. They loved the decoration on the cards and they were very excited of knowing more about their penpals.

We hope that Marine class' letters arrive soon to the children of CM1-CM2 at École Maurice Tollemer!

06 December, 2015

Clément Aplati

Our partner school École Maurice Tollemer in Gonneville (France) has sent us Clément aplati to take him to the main London landmarks.

Clément is enjoying a lot his visit to London and his life at Sudbury Primary School! Click here to see his pictures.

03 December, 2015

Joyeux Noël!

At Sudbury, we like embedding French in school events and assemblies. Last year our French christmas songs were very successful! As a result, the children have asked me for new songs to sing in the Christmas concert this year so here they are:

Years 1 to 3 will sing "Canon de Noël" by Versini

Years 4 to 6 will sing "Noël c'est comme un rythme de jazz" 

We are also writing Christmas cards to our partner schools in Paris and Gonneville! We will post some pictures of them soon.

French christmas traditions

Christmas vocabulary

Colouring, games, stories, songs

Advent calendar with games, vocabulary and songs

L'Âne Trotro et le sapin de Noël

L'Âne Trotro et les cadeaux de Noël